About company

Company Samo Systems spol. s r.o. is working in software development more as 20 years.

The main branch of the early applications focused on the automotive segment, respectively, automotive / insurance. In summary therefore, for the software associated with areas of records, calculation and solving damage arising as car accidents (insurance segment), and normal wear and tear (segment workshops). The software was developed on request and in cooperation with a number of companies operating on a European dimension and mutual cooperation in its development, technical and technological modifications lasts until today

In addition to these long-term products, we realized many custom applications that could be categorized as “rapid development”. These applications clearly specifying the purpose and whose development ranges from a few weeks to about one year. These specific solutions for companies that can meet their needs in some existing software (see for example, Sandvik, Al-Salam), or on specific applications to be resold (Car tracker).

In terms of technologies and development platforms is a fairly wide selection. Practically from the beginning the company was facing activities focused on Microsoft products, ie C + +, Visual C, currently the DotNET. For cross-platform applications and current development of Web applications is used by Java.